
Water-based fire extinguishing agent S/AR-6-AB
Water-based fire extinguishing agent S/AR-6-AB

Water-based fire extinguishing agent S/AR-6-AB

  • category:New water-based fire extinguishing agent
  • Release date:2020-08-13
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  • product description

Product features:

GF-600 is the only 6% anti-soluble water extinguishing agent at home and abroad . It has unparalleled fire-fighting efficiency in the face of major fires:It’s excellent isolation function could prevent any kinds

of fire caused by water-soluble flammable liquid.Such as : With strong disperse ability and strong adhesion ability of water droplets,it can rapid penetrate into the deep flame of solid combustion material, destroying the combustion chain reaction when extinguishing Class A fire ; It has low surface

tension ,good fluidity ,also the performance and fire resistance of the resulting delicate foam are better than the traditional anti-soluble foam,when extinguishing Class B fire ;It can rapidly form a film of solid phase on the combustion surface, which effectively hinders the destruction of foam caused by polar solvents and allows the water film to spread and extinguish fire rapidly ,when extinguishing alcohol-like fires.

Range of application:

GF-600 is suitable for most urban main battle fire engines, ladder vehicles, high s p r a y v e h i c l e s , f o a m v e h i c l e s a n d o t h e r f i r e extinguishing equipment with a mixed ratio system.


GF-600 is easily to clean and vaporize without any toxic and corrosive substances. It has also past the strictest global test of SGS 191 with zero detection of toxic substances.

Storage requirement::

The product shall be stored at a cool and dry warehouse ,prevented from direct sunlight with room temperature between -5℃~45℃. The packaging is of anti-explosion ,anti-collision, vacuum- sealed.





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